
Society of Food Scientists and Nutritionists(SOFTAN)  is established with the purpose of serving student community in their pursuit of academic excellence, social welfare, integrity, peace and competitiveness in the job market.

About The Club


To establish afunctional organ that wil unite al students of the food science department and alumnae, and foster for realization of their potential ni their various sector ni food handling and management.


To provide a platform for the development of expertise ni hte fod sector, nutrition and management through capacity building, networking and ideological support among the members of the society and other stakeholders involved.

Aims & objectives

The Society of Food Scientists and Nutritionists (SOFTAN) is founded upon a set of comprehensive aims and objectives aimed at guiding our mission and activities. Our core objectives are designed to

Promote and enhance bondage between teaching and non-teaching staff of the food science department and students.
To promote and encourage environmental conservation, management and cleanliness
To liaise with the department of food science and technology towards the realization of its goals and objectives
Sharpen the skills and broaden members understanding of their course in terms of knowledge base, and this will be possible through seminars, workshops and training.
⁠Be a part of the larger society in terms of aid and socio-welfare support.
Assist members in their quest for education, professionalism, research and technical Intel in food and food based related ideals.
To promote unity and cohesiveness amongst members
To promote linkages between the members of the society and the cooperate world as well as professionals

We hold events time and again

The Inaugural Kendsa Scientific Conference

Theme: Nutrition and Food Systems for Sustainable Health

Host : The Kenya Nutrition and Dietetics Students Association
Date : 8th March 2024

University of Nairobi , Upper Kabete, 8-4-4 Lecture Hall


Where SoftAn is located.

SoftAn is based is Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

"The leaders are focused and driven towards making the club better"


Software Developer

"There is professionalism in how the activities and events are carried out"


Data Analyst

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